No follow tag

. Sunday, May 18, 2008

Bloggers, how many times have you noticed that you’re getting traffic from a link on one of the “huge” blogs and websites on the web…only to check your Technorati links and Google alerts to find that the link isn’t showing up? Have you wondered why that’s happening?
Chances are pretty good that the Biggie-Blog (or social-networking site) is adding the code: rel=”no follow” to its outgoing links.*
As we know, one of the ways to increase Google page-rank (and Technorati authority) is to get links from other blogs.All of the Biggie Blogs got big by receiving lots of links from other bloggers. But now, it seems, even among politically-conservative bloggers (which are decidedly a minority in the blogosphere), some are unwilling to help other like-minded blogs in the same manner. They have started putting the rel=”no follow” code in all of their outgoing links, to preserve their own page rank.
Others are selectively inserting the code, so that they only support other bloggers that they want to support with “link love.” This is a more responsible use of the rel=”nofollow” code.


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